Qu'est-ce que privileged intent provided is not enabled or whitelisted. ?

"privileged intent provided is not enabled or whitelisted" is a commonly encountered error message in the context of bot development. It refers to a restriction placed on certain intents or features of a chatbot platform that requires explicit permission to be used.

In the context of chatbot development, intents represent the different types of user inputs or requests that a bot can understand and respond to. Some bot platforms classify intents as either "privileged" or "sensitive" to ensure proper security and privacy measures are in place. These privileged intents typically grant access to sensitive information or perform specific actions, and they require additional authorization from the platform.

When the error message "privileged intent provided is not enabled or whitelisted" appears, it means that the intent being used by the bot falls into the privileged category, but it has not been enabled or granted permission to function properly. This error acts as a safeguard to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data or actions.

To resolve this issue, the bot developer needs to go through the platform documentation or configuration settings and enable the required privileged intents officially or request whitelisting by the platform administrators. This process usually involves meeting certain criteria, proving the necessity of accessing the privileged intent, and complying with the platform's guidelines and policies.

Enabling or whitelisting privileged intents ensures a secure and controlled environment for bot usage, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining a standard level of privacy.